
Oct. 12, 2021

WTF Is This: Creamerie

Rarely do I watch a series and is left utterly stunned. Creamerie, however, did manage to leave me sitting in absolute and utter silence, marveling at how even something like this could ever get funded, and actually broadcast.

So, let’s post a select few screenshots and talk about this masterpiece of a comedic shitshow.

Yo bro, no homo man, but nice ass bro

We begin our ride with some nice ass-shots of manly men hugging it out in the dressing room. Perfectly fine and wholesome.

Jun. 12, 2021

WTF Is This: Parasite

Rarely do I watch a movie and not know a single thing about it beforehand, but Parasite was one of them. It also just so happened that it would also be one of the weirdest movies I’ve ever seen, too.

Parasite (2019)

  • No More Free Wi-Fi

The premise is simple. You’ve got yourself a typical low-standing Korean guy and his family. This whole family is constantly living off others’ resources, even down to their neighbor’s WiFi. The guy gets an offer through his friend to work for this wealthy family, as their daughter’s tutor. Some stuff happens and he gets the job; then they draft a plain to aim to all get employed by this same wealthy family, and in doing so ultimately replace all the existing staff. Simple, right? Hence the name, “Parasite,” because they’re really just parasites trying to attach themselves to a host, and live a nice comfy life off them. So yeah, simple, really.